Making a Difference

In life, what we are is what we think. What we think depends on what is in our minds or, to put this in computer jargon, which operating system we are programmed to run on. "As a man thinketh, so he is". To reach your full potential as a child of  God, you have to be loading the correct operating system each time that you boot up. This introduces you to the MX-DOS program.


1. M - is for Mission.
Seek Guidance from the most high in identifying your life mission
2. X - is for eXample.
Identify at least one (and up to 7) persons who have successfully walked a similar road and identify the charachteristics of thiers that you appreciate and some of the obstacles which they had in the way. Use their lives and life experiences as a road map to reach your destination. These people are also called role models or mentors and may be either living or dead, known to you personally or remotely, as long as you respect and admire their work
3. D - is for Diligence.
Be diligent in all of your actions (especially within your chosen field) and assimilate as much know how(skill and technique) and application knowledge(experience and wisdom) as possible with the goal of being the most knowlegeable in that listed field
4. O - is for Obedience.
Be obedient to the will of God in your life as it relates to moral conduct, work ethic and the rewards and blessings for those who love Him
5. S - is for service.
Be of service to those around you in this chosen field. Friends, family and your community at large. This helps you gain valuable experience in your chosen field while building a portfolio (or catalog) and creating a client list who will not be hesititant to pay for the service or refer you to others as you improve your quality of work

We will later be touching on how to load the program into our minds daily
About The Author

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